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Industry Changes, Environmental Impact and Other Manufacturing News

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Industry Changes, Environmental Impact and Other Manufacturing News

Why cartage tanks are the perfect solution to your storage needs

by Dan Owens

Whether you are involved in the agriculture business, run your own haulage company or work in any other field where you need to store and move liquids, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the options in the market. It can often seem like someone has designed more tanks, in more capacities and out of more materials, than you quite know what to do with! Not only do you need to think about what you are storing in it, but you also need to think about how you might need to move it in the future, how it will integrate into other systems you use and how you will be able to get your liquids out at the final destination. 

Cartage tanks are a fantastic solution to all of these questions, and they are one of the most common industrial tanks for a reason. They combine storage capability with ease of transport, so that no matter whether you are using the tank to move molasses, spray crops or move water, they will always go above and beyond your expectations. 

All shapes and sizes

Cartage tanks come in all shapes and sizes, with the option to purchases tanks in a multitude of capacities. Additionally, the materials used in their construction mean that they provide the best balance of sturdy materials and retain their strength at different heights. This means there will always be the right solution for any storage location, whether you are planning on using them outside on a farm, or inside as part of a wider liquid delivery system. 

Easy to transport

By their vary nature, cartage tanks are easy to transport. They are designed to fit onto vehicles, for example crop sprayers or long distance trucks. Beyond this, they are also technically adapted to reduce the amount that your liquid moves around once within them and on the road. This reduces the impact that carrying heavy weights has on the vehicle you are using, increasing safety. It also means that you are less likely to lose your liquids due to spillage. 

The long-term option

Cartage tanks are always designed to last for a long time. The durable materials used in their construction means they can survive the knocks and wears of everyday life in an industrial setting and the large amount of pressure that is put on them during travel. All of this adds up to a great long-term solution, which means you can keep using your cartage tanks for longer.
